Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December 2010

Well, the Christmas holiday is winding down, the house is quiet again. Taking a few minutes each day to pack away the decorations and clean up.  Looking forward to a few down days before getting back to work on January 4th.  Just finished putting my 2011 list together  - includes being better about updating here.  List includes running goals, travel goals, household goals.  Also have a list of things I'd like to do to celebrate my 60th year. Will share more in January.
The year 2010 was full of good fun. Ran my first 10k, found a great group of women to run with. Next year I want to focus on physical things - hiking, diet, working outside. Hope to be better at communicating (thank you skype!)
Review of last year's goals:
  • Run a race out of state SF in January
  • Run a 5K in 30 minutes or less  not even close! Well, 32:25 so not bad
  • Train for and run a 10K check
  • Work on upper body strength (kettlebells) - will try again
  • Run 50 miles in 30 days  YES!
  • Enter at least 6 races  I think it was 5 but ran some pseudo races with Fleet Feet
  • Bicycle after dinner during the summer  Nope