Sunday, January 23, 2011

10k training starts today

Day 23 of the 100 Days Challenge down. It's been frigid, snowy, just too cold to run outside. My yoga class got me through 3 days last week, but I had to start my training today and Jill gave me a nudge so outside it was.  She warned me it was 7 degrees out but it wasn't really.  So I was overdressed but that was a pleasant surprise. We got in our 3 mile easy run and the sticker is in place on my chart.
100 days challenge chart
So if I'm to make it through the next week of lousy forecasts I think it's time I started that 3 month membership at New England Athletic or whatever it's called now (still Champions in my book.) Will go tomorrow to sign up and be initiated. Figure if I go twice a week it'll be worth my while.

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