Wednesday, February 24, 2010

From there to here - my start in running

What a difference a year makes. Every year, at some time or another, I've had the thought I'd like to run. I'd often pictured myself running, just running. But it was usually only a quick thought and put aside. Occasionally on my morning walk I'd run from pole to pole, but didn't take it further. Didn't know how. In June of 2009 I happened to think to google running plans, and found It was there I discovered the Couch 2 5K plan and the rest is history. I didn't take it seriously in the beginning, was stuck on week 2 for a few weeks. Then found the forums on the site and was hooked. My virtual friends on several threads were my motivators. We all ran those early weeks in the hottest, most humid summer ever. We planned our runs around the weather forecasts. Often I'd run at 5:30 AM and jump in the pool already dripping wet. I was psyched, though, and excited.

Caitlin signed up for a 10K in early August in Shelburne Falls, MA so I tagged along to run the 2 mile race. It was actually pretty cool early in the morning and I survived to finish, and I wasn't last! I was hooked. Went on to enter the Old Wethersfield 5K to celebrate my graduation from c25k, the Manchester Road Race on Thanksgiving Day, and to finish 2009, the Blue Back Square 5k Mitten Run in December. Joined the group workshop at Fleet Feet to train beyond the initial program.

That's it in a nutshell. Running has become a joy in my life, something to be excited about, something to motivate me. I've learned it's never too late to start something new. I'll be 58 this year and I'm looking forward to hitting more milestones. More in 2010.

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